nah~~here is our dear D-kor =P
took pic on D-kor's bed..
another closer pic! say cheeseeee =)
we SS-ing in his house(serena,me,elene and rachel)
hmm, he said he dun mind we hampir meruntuhkan his house..haha..but dun noe whether is true or not we went back to coll for lab class..
Whatever it is while the main point is after lab class wey!! hehe, we decided to go to mid valley^^ 1st time going out wif them..serena drove us there and my car park in coll..we're not going for movie(since D-kor does not like to watch movie), but bowling! wee~~we straight away paid for 2 games..haha..initially, which is the 1st game, most of us are not very satisfy with the result..except me^^i got 65..becoz i knew my 2nd game will even worse(everytime also like this)
In 2nd game, D-kor play very well!! because he was representative of secondary school for bowling game!! wah, all "ng seng ng seng hak nei yat geng" his 1st game scored 70 something..but he get 160 in his 2nd game!! see, all tipu one..and his bowling ball can spin when gonna reach the bowling pins(the objects seem like bottle which standing on the target)..wooseh~~really geng~~
here is some pictures we took that day:
see his score-->the 1st many "X" rite? woo~~
ME!!! releasing the bowling ball..but i dun noe when this pic been token..
Bowling =P
go bowling again
u are?
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